
NRLファーマは、1998年に故田村学造東京大学名誉教授と弟子の故安藤邦雄が、東京大学時代に発見したシーズを新規医薬品として実用化するために設立した研究開発型のバイオベンチャー企業です。大学での研究成果を社会に還元し、人々の健康増進に寄与したい。そう願った文化功労賞と学士院恩賜賞の受賞者である田村学造先生の遺志は、後進に受け継がれて少しずつ結実しています。   当社の企業理念は、当社の開発した製品やOEM供給した法人のお客様の製品を通して、健康不安を抱える方々や健常の方々にクオリティ・オブ・ライフの向上を働きかけ、より健康的な暮らしをお届けすることにあります。     Our company was founded in 1998, as venture enterprise concentrating on research and development of new medicine by making use of seeds discovered by last Gakuzo Tamura, Honorary Professor of the University of Tokyo and his disciple last Kunio Ando. The will of Professor Tamura, accredited as Person of Cultural Merit and prize winner of Award of the Japan Academy of Arts, was to return the result originated in research and development effort at university to society so that it may contribute to improve people’s health. His dying wish is gradually on the way to realize by his followers.   Our company’s corporate philosophy is to serve for a person who feels anxiety to health condition or even for a healthy person to improve QOL (Quality of Life) through our own products or other producers’ goods which make use of our OEM ability.